Saturday, June 1, 2013

Post Finals, and Your 2013 Slam Team

Well folks...

Our 2013 Slam Season has come to a close.  We held our Finals this past Thursday, and if you weren't there, you missed out!  It was a night filled with great poetry, uproarious laughter and cheers and in the end, a Slam Champion and a Slam Team!

Congratulations to Jeremy Loveday for defending his Slam Champion Title!
And a HUGE congratulations to shayne avec i grec, Morgan Purvis-Bellamano, Johnny MacRae, and Pam Stewart as well. Those five will be working together over the next five months writing, rehearsing, and fundraising for their trip to Montreal this coming November to compete at the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word!  We are well represented!  

Make sure you stay tuned to the Vic Slam page to stay up to date on their summer, and fundraising efforts!

A big thank you to the Solstice Cafe, who gave us a beautiful space to hold our Slams all season.  Thank you for being the home of Spoken Word in Victoria!  Another big thanks to the VEC for holding our Semi-Finals, and Finals events!  

To everyone who came out this season and mustered the guts to get in front of the mic and share their work at the Slams, Thank You!  We hope to see you all out again next season!

And to everyone who came out and supported these artists throughout the year, we owe you a huge thanks!  Your encouragement and support has helped propel all these poets to new heights, and our team is energized and eager to get started!

Thank you all for a wonderful year!  Signing off for now...

                                  Your 2013 Victoria Slam Team
                                     Photo Taken by Aaron Mercer