Hello everyone! Just a quick update here for everyone!
Videos of Vic Slam October have been put online now! Click here to go to the Vic Slam YouTube channel. The amazing Rose Jang has created a playlist for you, for easy viewing! Thanks again for your hard work! Be sure to subscribe to the channel to stay up to date on all the videos being uploaded.
Not only are videos of October's slam online, but the official YouTube Channel of Spoken Word Canada has begun uploading the videos of all the bouts that took place a few weeks ago in Saskatoon at CFSW! Here's a link to Part 1 of the first bout of the tournament. This bout features Calgary, Missassauga, Urban Legends (Ottawa), and Victoria!
For Victoria, in Part 1 of this bout, you'll see a solo piece from current Slam Master Scott Thompson, and a duet between Matthew Christopher Davidson and Jeremy Loveday.
These videos are a great way for poets that are curious about what a National Slam might look like, to get a taste for a night of competition.
Don't forget, next month's Slam is on November 15th. You won't want to miss it! Also, stay tuned for an update on the Slam in December, INDIES!
-Vic Slam
E-mail Slam Master: Scott Thompson seescotttalk@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter: @VicPoetrySlam