Friday, January 16, 2009

Holy smokes Victoria! You showed up in full force last night for the first slam of '09 and faces were rocked right off. It was incredible to see over 80 people cram into Solstice to cheer on our local poets. Dave Morris took first prize by a hair (a poster sized 90210 puzzle) but everyone who competed gave it their all and I'd like to hope everyone had a tremendous amount of fun. For anyone who missed it, here were the official scores of the evening.

First Round
Tom- 23.1
Adam Ungstad- 23.9
Kadie K- 24.2
Meisha Lily- 24.4
Luke- 24.5
Strong Cottonwood- 25.9
Brett- 26.1
Anushka- 26.3
Kat- 26.3
Skawt- 27.4
Missie Peters- 28.0
Dave Morris- 29.5

Final Scores
Kat- 51.9
Anushka- 54.8
Missie Peters- 56.1
Dave Morris- 56.2

Thanks to everyone who performed, judged, volunteered their time, cheered, laughed, boo'ed and whatever else you did. Stay posted for details on the next slam.

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