So Who Got Invited?
We invited everyone in Victoria who has been on a slam team for the last 3 years, as well as the winners from the 2011 Sept, Oct and Nov slams.
This means that every poet who on stage will have been veted as a winner by YOU, the audience in the past.
Who's Competing?
We had 8 amazing poets accept the challenge and they are already training hard. They are (in no particular order):
Keenan Proud, Slam Team Member 2011
Justin McGrail, Slam Team Member 2011
Scott Thompson, Slam Team Member 2011
Matthew Davidson, Slam Team Member 2009-11
Jeremy Loveday, Victoria Indie Slam Champ 2010
Skawt Chonzz, Slam Team Member 2009
Mak Konwick, Vic Slam September 2011 Winner
Jacob Arts, Vic Slam October 2011 Winner
What Poems Can They Do?
Poets can use ANY poem they want, including repeats of poems from the regular season. But it must be their original work - all the slam rules still apply: no costumes, music or nudity (that's another show!).
What is the Format?
There will be 4 bare-knuckle rounds of competition. No elimintion, which means that everyone will compete in every round.
4 minute round
1 minute round
2 minute round
3 minute round
10 second grace for all rounds, with standard penalties for going over time. Poets do not need to use the full time (as per a regular slam) but there will be standard penalties for going over time.
Vic Slam Invitational Indies
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Cabin 12, 607 Pandora
Doors @7:30, $5 @ the door
Check out the event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=247752698613774
Skawt Chonzz, Slam Team Member 2009
Mak Konwick, Vic Slam September 2011 Winner
Jacob Arts, Vic Slam October 2011 Winner
What Poems Can They Do?
Poets can use ANY poem they want, including repeats of poems from the regular season. But it must be their original work - all the slam rules still apply: no costumes, music or nudity (that's another show!).
What is the Format?
There will be 4 bare-knuckle rounds of competition. No elimintion, which means that everyone will compete in every round.
4 minute round
1 minute round
2 minute round
3 minute round
10 second grace for all rounds, with standard penalties for going over time. Poets do not need to use the full time (as per a regular slam) but there will be standard penalties for going over time.
Vic Slam Invitational Indies
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Cabin 12, 607 Pandora
Doors @7:30, $5 @ the door
Check out the event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=247752698613774
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